The Fourth Transferring app, when paired with Adaco – or Fourth Inventory for Hotels - easily allows users to manage the process of transferring products and recipes between their Outlets. Crucially, it enables the process to be carried out on a mobile device, away from the back-office environment. Transferring can be accessed via the main Fourth app on a mobile device, or through supported web browsers on a desktop/laptop computer.
This article contains screenshots taken on a variety of devices but the general look, feel, and functionality remains the same regardless of whether using a mobile device or web browser.
Please Note: This article is for using the Transferring app for Adaco only.
Application Launch
To open the Transferring app:
- Log into the Fourth app on a mobile device or go to https://secure.fourth.com/ (or https://secure.na1.fourth.com/ for the North American Fourth Platform) in a web browser)
- Select Transferring from the list of connected apps
Fig.1 – Selecting the Transferring app
Creating Transfers
On launching the Transferring app, the 'New Transfer' screen will display - see Fig.2.
- Select a From Location and a To Location from the drop-down menus (locations are sorted alphabetically)
The list of From locations is based on user access (managed in the core Adaco application).
The list of available To locations is determined by the chosen From location - the locations that it is permitted to transfer to.
When both locations are selected, a list of available items (products and recipes) for transfer will appear.
Fig.2 - New Transfer
- Select a Transfer Date - it will default to Today, but Yesterday or any date from 4 days prior can be selected - see Fig.3
Fig.3 - New transfer location and date selection
Adaco may potentially change the date of the transfer when it is received if the inventory period that the transfer is dated for is closed. For example, if December 31st was selected but when the transfer reached Adaco, the December inventory period was closed, the transfer would be dated January 1st - the first available date in the current inventory period.
- If necessary, Comments can be added to provide additional information on the transfer, or to explain why it has been initiated (as seen in Fig.4)
Comments applied to transfers will be visible in the core Adaco application.
Fig.4 - Transfer Comments
- Next, choose the products and/or recipes to add to the transfer - either scroll through the list or use the search bar
The items available for transfer are restricted to those available and assigned a valid GL account at both locations.
Fig.5 - Transfer item search
Where no items are available to transfer between locations, or the search returns no matching products, the response No items match this search criteria will be returned, as seen in Fig.6.
Fig.6 - No items matching search criteria
- Set the quantity of each item to add to the transfer - either use the +/- steppers or enter the value manually
Where quantities have been added the item will appear with a blue shade.
- Once transfer quantities have been applied, the selections can be previewed by selecting the Preview Selections toggle, as seen in Fig.7
Fig.7 - Preview selections
- To reset the items that have been applied to the transfer, select Clear
A notification will appear for confirmation/cancellation of this action, as seen in Fig.8
Fig.8 - Clear transfer items
- When the transfer is ready to send, select Submit
A notification providing summary detail of the transfer will be presented.
- To confirm, select Submit again
- To continue working on the transfer, select Back
Fig.9 - Submit transfer
On successful submission of the transfer, a notification 'Transfer successful' will display and the app will return to the 'New Transfer' screen.
Fig.10 - Transfer successful
Viewing Posted Transfers in Adaco
Once the transfer has been submitted, it will then be visible in the Adaco core application, as seen in Fig. 11.
It is not possible to view or amend submitted transfers in the Transferring app and any updates will need to be applied in the Adaco core application.
Fig. 11 - Transfer created from Transferring app in Adaco
If at any point during the transfer process the From or To locations are attempted to be changed, the selections will be reset, as seen in Fig. 12. This is because the items available for transfer between locations may differ.
- To confirm, select Proceed. To return, select Back
Fig. 12 - Change transfer locations
An internet connection is required to use the Transferring app - offline use is not supported.
User Access in Adaco for Mobile Transferring
To see the Transferring App button within the Fourth Platform/app, a user must have access to Product Transfers.
For more information on this, please see the following article -Purchasing & Inventory - Changing Requisition Access Rights in User Groups
Will the app be available for Fourth Inventory users (not just the hotel version)? Our business frequently does internal transfers, and having this capability on-the-go would be a game-changer.
Hi Sarah,
We do hope to extend the transfer app to our Inventory customers however we will first be adding the ability to create requisitions into the mobile ordering app. We hope to start on that in the New Year and once that is done we can then look at extending the transfers app as our ultimate goal is to be able to create all transaction types in our mobile apps.
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