If you have access to PayControl or use WebClock, you can take advantage of Punch Records, now with an updated Interface! Once labor for a day has been received, you can either edit existing Punch Records, or create a new one from scratch.
Punch Records are found in the Staff tab, under the Punch Records sub-tab.
At a glance, you will be able to view hours, overtime, tips, other pay, and estimated costs for each employee. At the top of the page you will find that information totaled for all employees in view.
Use the arrows or click the dates to navigate to the correct time frame. Clicking on the date range will allow you to select from previous pay periods. Clicking View by Date Range will allow you to select date ranges outside those listed. You can select View by Pay Period to go back to the list of pay periods to select from.
Utilize the Filter options to filter by jobs, Exceptions, Needs Review, and/or edited Punch status. You can also utilize the search function to find a specific employee's Punch Record.
Viewing and Editing Existing Punch Records
Click any name in the list to expand their details and view their Punch Records within that time frame.
Here you will see the Punch type, time frame, number of exceptions, jobs worked, total hours, and how many edits have been made to the Punch.
Click the trash can icon to delete a Punch entirely.
Clicking the type will bring up the Punch to edit and the following information will be displayed:
- Job, time record, and tips
- The Meals and/or Breaks encountered in this Punch
- The total hours of the Punch
Selecting History within the punch or the number under the edits column will display and changes made to the Punch you are viewing.
Adding Punch Records
To add a Punch, click the Add Punch button and a window will appear. Use the drop-down menus, and calendar and time picker tools to provide the appropriate information. If your store uses Meal Break Planning, you can add and adjust breaks. Finally, you can add or adjust declared tips. The tip total is shown on the right.
Click OK when finished.
Reviewing a Punch Record
Clicking on the drop down of an employee will expand on their information and give insight into exceptions. Hovering over the exception will provide further insight into the amount of shifts that are flagging that exception.
To mark all punches as reviewed, select the Mark All Reviewed button near the top of the page.
Locking a Pay Period
To lock the pay period you are viewing, select the Lock Pay Period button. A warning will pop up if there are any exceptions that need to be reviewed.
Reports can be found by clicking the the Reports drop down and selecting the report you wish to review or print.
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