The Scheduling tab is where future schedules are created and forecast hours are updated to actual hours each day, once the week starts.
For a list of all available Labour Based Scheduling articles, please visit: Labour-Based Scheduling: Getting Started
- Users with access to more than one, need to select the required Location from the drop-down before the Schedule tab becomes available
- Select the Schedule tab from the Scheduling Homepage
The current week’s schedule will display
Fig.1 - The Schedule tab
- Move to future weeks by selecting the arrow icon >, or by using the calendar icon to move to the date required
The Schedule tab is broken down into two sections:
- Schedule by Budget
- Schedule
The Schedule by Budget section displays the wage cost for each day and is updated with daily sales figures. Wage Budgets are displayed in monetary (£) and percentage (%) values. Until sales are completed, the variance in £ and % is based on the budget and will update to the sales at the end of each night. This will also update the Weekly Total values.
Beneath the Schedule by Budget section is the Schedule itself. Initially, the display will be for all departments, and as such will show all team members within the site.
- Drill down into finer detail with the Areas and Roles drop-downs, as required
Fig.2 - The Schedule, with Areas and Roles drop-downs indicated
Any Holidays & Absences created in the HR Module will appear on the Schedule on the relevant days.
Creating Shifts
- To create a shift, select the day next to an employee
- Enter a Start and End Time
Fig.3 - Selecting a day and Start/End Time
- Once the Start/End Times have been entered, select Save
- To remove or edit the shift, select it and make the necessary changes
- To create split shifts, repeat this process selecting the space beneath the shift already entered.
Please note:Start and End Times cannot overlap
If an employee is multiple-employed through the HR module, the relevant job role for each of their shifts will be available in the drop-down next to the shift times. Hours for employees already scheduled at another location or department will be greyed out.
The weekly total number of hours is shown at the bottom of the scheduling screen. This is a forecast when looking to the future, and will change to actual numbers when looking at weeks that have passed. Individual employee hours and costs are also displayed here
- Employee order can be changed by dragging and dropping as required
Schedule Settings
- Select the Settings button (below the demand graph) to see additional options when creating a schedule
- The default for shift setting is to copy and paste shifts. Copy Shifts, when selected, allows for shifts already on the rota to be copied. This can be done across team members and job titles
- Selecting Move Shifts allows for shifts to be moved from one employee/day to another
The final option within Settings is Freeze Graph.
By default, the Schedule by Budget section will be displayed at all times when creating a schedule.
- If Freeze Graph is un-ticked, when scrolling through the schedule the graph will remain at the top of the page. This allows for more employees to become visible whilst scrolling through the schedule
Fig.4 - Schedule settings
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