This document explains the best process to follow when creating and deleting shift types, including default shifts and reports available. Removing the HOL shift is explained in more detail.
Creating Shift Type Best Practise
Shift types are designed to allow the scheduling of employees on the rota with set times. If too many shift types are being created this can be confusing.
Scheduling Methods
There are two options when using shift types on the rota: Shift Code (Fig.2) and Shift Code and Start and End Times - (Fig.3). This is determined at a location level as seen in Fig.1.
- Rotas > Administration > Configure locations > Default Rota Start Week, Day & Time, Break and Scheduling Method Settings > Edit Rota Settings > Scheduling Method > Schedule By: Shift Code/Shift Code and Start and End Times > Select Save
Fig.3 - Shift Code with Start and End Times
Creating a Shift Type
- Rotas > Administration > Shift Types > Create A New Shift Type
Once selected, the form below Fig.4 will display on the right-hand side of the current shift types list.
Fig.4 - Creating a Shift Type
- Complete all the bold mandatory fields on the form as seen in Fig.5
- Description: Reference for the Shift Types screen e.g. Kitchen Early (if there are numerous early shifts)
- Code: Which appears in the rota drop-down – this can be numeric or alphabetic though it is recommended for codes to be alphabetic. Numeric codes can be confusing on the rota if the actual times are changed and the shift codes aren’t removed when printing rotas. E.g. Code 11-5 but the employee is scheduled 10-4 the shift code displays 11-5 but also displays 10-4 if not removed
- Shift Value: 1 for a single shift and 2 for a split shift. Even if staff are not paid by shift this needs to be completed
- Priority: Order in which the shift-type appears in the rota drop-down
- Times: Enter start & end times in 24-hour format (HHMM) for the shift. For split shifts, also enter start & end time 2. Total Time is calculated automatically
- Colour: Appears when viewing the optimisation screen on the rota, to identify different shifts easily and if there are any gaps in the service e.g. Bar staff are red and waiting staff are blue
- Default shift: Select to allow shift as default within an employee’s HR file
- Assign the shift to a Location by selecting the location and moving it across to the right box with the central arrows then select Save. There may be more than one location in the list depending on access levels
- Assign divisions that the shift is relevant to. To select more than one division simply select them and move across with the central arrows
- Once saved, the shift will appear in the list on the left of the screen. Select the shift itself to be able to edit start or end times and locations or divisions that the shift is relevant to
Deleting a Shift Type
- If a shift type is created incorrectly or unused it can be deleted by ticking the box on the left, then select Delete at the bottom of the box as seen in Fig.6.
Within the left-hand box is a list of all current shift codes. When there is a N/A in the Delete? field, these shifts cannot be deleted from the system as they are default shifts for one or more sites. Please refer to Removing Shift Types to have these deleted.
If Location/Division is unassigned from a shift type and the rota is re-calculated, the shift will default to OFF.
Default Shift Types
Default shift types allow the assigning of shift types to employees that regularly work on those shifts within the HR module. Default shifts need to be assigned via the employment details page in the HR Module. The shifts need to be assigned to the correct location and divisions and selected as default shifts. Ideally, this should be managed by the administrator to ensure a manageable amount of shift types are created.
Creating a Default Shift Type
- Rotas > Administration > Shift Types > Search Shift Type > Select Default Shift Type > Save
Assigning a Default Shift Type
- HR > Employees > Employee List > Select Employee > Employee Info > Employment Details > Default Shifts Worked > Mon – Sun > Select Shifts > Save
Shift Type Access
It is recommended to give limited access and make users with permission aware of the implications changes to shift types can have. The following can help manage shift types correctly:
- Assign multiple shift types to required locations and divisions
- Check what locations and divisions are assigned before deleting a shift type
- Manage centrally if possible to avoid duplications and errors if deleted or edited
- Ensure all shift types are fit for purpose and avoid duplicates by having a standard naming convention
- When deleting or editing shift types check who else may be affected by this change
- If a shift type is deleted and a rota is an open rota, the shift types will either drop to the next code or change to OFF
- If a rota is submitted to payroll the shift types will not be removed unless the rota is rolled back
Template access can be managed by following the path below as seen in Fig.9.
- Rotas > Users > Templates > Select Template > Assign Permissions > Shift Types > Read Only/Full Access/No Access > Save
If an employee is on bespoke access, the amended template can be reapplied as seen in Fig.10.
- Rotas > Users > Assign User Access > Employee List: Search & Select > User Profile > Do you wish to apply a template? > Select Correct Template > Apply > Confirm the above access is applied > Keep selecting Next until returning to the User Summary page
Best Practise Summary - Creating Shift Types
- Ensure the correct scheduling method is set in line with business processes. – see Scheduling Methods
- When creating shift types ensure they are relevant and duplications are avoided
- Use shift types in multiple locations and divisions - see Creating a Shift Type
- Use default shift types for employees who work regular shift patterns e.g. Head Office Employees working 0900-1700. See Default Shift Types
- Check access to shift types and amend where necessary – see Shift Type Access
Best Practise Summary - Deleting Shift Types
- Allow two weeks for the introduction and removal of shift types
- Managers should use the new shift types for two weeks and at an agreed time delete the old shift types
- Remove the HOL shift type and ensure all holidays are logged via the HR module. See Removing the HOL Shift Type
Related Articles
WFM HR: Removing Shift Types
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