Administration Settings
The Administration Settings contain two main areas which are the starting point for setting up the Tronc module; Global Settings and Fund Administration.
Global Settings
To access the Global Settings:
Go to Tronc2 > Administration > Global Settings
Fig.1 - Global Settings
Tronc Pay Accounting System Code - This will link into either a nominal leger or a Super Journal
Show Tronc Amount Column on Payments Page - This setting will display the Tronc amount column on the 'Employee Payments' page
Show Tronc Total Column on Payments Page - This setting will display the total Tronc column on the 'Employee Payments' page
Show Tronc Percentage Bar on Payments Page - This setting will display the Tronc percentage bar on the 'Employee Payments' page
Please note: The settings displayed here will be applied to all Tronc funds for all locations.
Fund Administration
Within the Tronc2 module, a fund, or multiple funds, must be assigned to each location. This means that different locations can have different rules allocated to them.
Different funds within the same location can also have different rules allocated to them.
To access the fund administration:
Go to Tronc2 > Administration > Fund Administration > Select Required Location > Create New Fund
Fig.2 - Fund Administration
Description – Enter the name of the Tronc fund in this field
Default Percentage - Once an amount has been recorded, the value will then be split via any potential Tronc funds using the percentages in this field, for example, if the field is set at 60% and the recorded amount is £1000, an amount of £600 would automatically be allocated to this fund
Please Note: Ensure that when using multiple funds in a location, the total of all the fund’s default percentages totals 100%.
Tronc Based On – The fund can be based on either the amount of hours or the amount of shifts that an employee has worked in that given period of time
Include Holiday Hours/Shifts in Tronc - If the choice to include holiday hours/shifts in Tronc is made, employee’s holiday shift/hour amounts will be added to their actual shifts/hours worked when populating Tronc payments
Period – The Tronc fund can be allocated passed on one of the following periods of time:
Day – The Tronc fund will be allocated on a daily basis
Week – The Tronc fund will be allocated on a weekly basis
Month – The Tronc fund will be allocated on a monthly basis
Period Length – The period length should be set accordingly to relate to the period in which they want to cover
Fund Start Date - Select the date in which the fund is to begin
Final Payment Percentage – This is the percentage of the payment which is allocated in the Tronc2 module that actually gets paid from the Payroll module. For example, when set to 90%, if an employee is allocated £50 of Tronc, they will receive £45 in their actual pay
Monetary Deduction – This deducts the specified amount from each employee in every fund period. Only the opening balance on the next fund will be effected. The total amount deducted will be carried forward and added to the opening balance of the next period
Edit Hours – When selected, the user will be allowed to edit the employee’s hours worked on the employee payments page. This will not affect hours worked on the Rota
Edit Pay Rate/Percentage – When selected, the user will be allowed to edit the employee’s pay rate/percentage on the 'Employee Payments' page as a one off
Pay When Rota Open – Select this if the fund is to be able to be paid whilst the Rota is still open
Allow Multi Open Periods – Select this if multiple periods are to be open at a given time
Inactive – Funds cannot be deleted, so if a fund is to no longer be used, this field should be selected to make the fund inactive
Rate is a Percentage – Select this if the Tronc rate is to be changed from a monetary point to a percentage point
Auto Allocate Total Fund – When selected, the total monetary amount of Tronc will be split between all employees according to their Tronc rates. It will also automatically re-allocate funds if additions/deductions are made on the employee payments screen
Once these options have been configured, Save
Assigning Funds
It is now possible to assign the fund to the required divisions by re-selecting the new fund and selecting ‘Assign Divisions’.
Fig.3 - Assign Divisions
Using the arrows in the center, select the required divisions to be applied to this Tronc fund
Once complete, Save
Applying Tronc Rates to Employees
It is now possible to apply Tronc rates to the employees within the divisions that have been chosen by selecting the ‘Employees’ button.
Fig.4 - Employee Tronc Rates
The Tronc Rate column should be used to assign a rate that will be multiplied by the amount of hours an employee works according to the rota
The Tronc Hours column will use the amount of hours in this column instead of those actually submitted in the rota
Once complete, Save
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