Shift Types are created within the Rotas module.
- Log in and go to the Rotas module
Fig.1 - Rotas module
- Then select Administration > Shift Types
Fig.2 - Administration > Shift Types
Existing Shift Types (and codes) will be displayed.
- Use the Search tool if necessary to refine the information
Fig.3 - Existing Shift Types
Any Shifts with an 'N/A' in the 'Delete' column are mandatory for every Location and cannot be removed from the system.

Fig.4 - Mandatory Shifts
- From the top-right corner, select Create A New Shift Type
Fig.5 - Create A New Shift Type
A new form will appear onscreen - see Fig.6.
- Complete all of the bold mandatory fields on the form:
- Description: Reference for the Shift Types screen e.g. 'kitchen early' (if there are numerous early shifts)
- Start Time and End Time: Use a 24hour format (HHMM)
- For a split shift, use the Start and End Time 2 fields – the Total Time field will automatically update
- Code: Will display when viewing Rotas
- Shift Value: Enter 1 for a single shift, or 2 for a split shift
- Priority: Where the Shift will appear in the Shift Code drop-down against employees when creating a new Rota
- Colour: Appears on the optimisation screen (when selecting the graph icon against a single day in a Rota)
- Default Shift: Tick to make the Shift appear as a default in employees' Employment Details (HR module)
- When all details are added, select Save
Fig.6 - Form for creating a Shift Type
- Use the arrow buttons to assign the Shift to a Location - there may be more than one Location in the list depending upon access levels - and select Save
Fig.7 - Assigning Location
- Then assign Divisions that the shift is relevant to - multiple Divisions can be selected at once
Fig.8 Assigning Divisions
Once saved, the Shift Type will appear in the list on the left side.
- To delete a Shift Type, tick its box under Delete? and select the Delete button
Fig.9 - Deleting a Shift Type
- To make any changes to an existing Shift Type, select one from the list
- As well as editing Shift Type details, Assign Locations and Assign Divisions buttons can be used
- Save changes once complete
Fig.10 - Editing an existing Shift Type
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