An employee must provide documentation to prove they are eligible to work in a chosen country of residence. Proof of Eligibility types are created and assigned to the relevant nationality in line with Home Office guidelines. When an employee is created the user can select which document is applicable to that particular employee. Below is a best practice guide to making sure all employees have the correct records assigned to their employee record in the system.
Best Practice
- Prior to an employee starting, the manager needs to see original proof of eligibility documentation and photocopy/scan
- Create New Employee – complete Proof of Eligibility drop-down and Documents Seen check box in the Personal Details Page
- Upload Documentation to the employee’s record via Document management. Employee Info > Document Management > Upload a Document > Select Document Type > Upload File > Enter Notes were applicable > Save
- An alert is then sent to the manager’s Head Office. This alert will need to be created and set up at a chosen frequency e.g. weekly, daily, monthly, etc. A Help Card under Admin Level is available on the portal to guide through this process called How 2 Set Alerts and Reminders
- Create a customised report to compare new starters with documents seen vs documents loaded and enable conditions to show employees with a start date greater than specified. Click here for a YouTube video that goes through the steps of creation
- Conduct regular spot checks
- Include in HR Audit process
Train managers to use this process
- Train managers on how to identify fraudulent documentation. See HMRC link here*
- Make sure all Proof of Eligibility types are up to date. Check HMRC website if unsure. Fourth do not update Proof of Eligibility types. A Help Card under Admin Level is available on the portal to guide through this process called How 2 Proof of Eligibility
*HMRC link active at time of writing – 03/04/2017
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