Deductions can be set up in various ways in order to subtract an amount from an employee's pay. A Deduction can reduce gradually from a total lump sum (such as a loan), be a one-off repayment, or be set to reoccur.
Uploading Employee Deductions
- To access the Deduction functionality, select Upload Employee Deductions in the 'Quick Links' section of the Payroll module
Fig.1 - Upload Employee Deductions Quick Link
The upload will need to be completed on a specific template, which can be downloaded from the Deduction Upload screen.
- Select Download Sample file, as shown in Fig.2
Fig.2 - Downloading a sample file from the Upload Employee Deduction screen
The template will open as an Excel document.
Do not amend any of the following, as this will cause errors when uploading the file:
- Column titles
- Column order
- Tab name ‘Import Deductions’
Please Note: Not all fields are mandatory. The population of data will depend upon the Deduction scenario.
Fig.3 – Excel preview
- Employee Number is a mandatory field
- Deduction Type needs to contain the name of the Deduction, not the Deduction code
- Employee Name, Reference Number, National Insurance Number and Notes are not mandatory fields, and can be left blank
The remaining fields on the Deduction upload template will need to be tailored to each individual Deduction scenario.
One-Off Deduction
For a one-off Deduction, along with the Employee Number and Deduction Type, the following cells must be populated on the Deduction upload template:
- Amount Per Period
- Start Date - must fall within current pay range
- End Date - must fall within current pay range
- Deduct from Total - always No
- Suspend Deduction? - always No
- Variable - always No
Fig.4 - One Off Deduction Excel preview
Ongoing Deduction
For an ongoing Deduction, along with the Employee Number and Deduction Type, the following cells must be populated on the Deduction upload template:
- Amount Per Period
- Start Date - must fall within current pay range
- Deduct from Total - always No
- Suspend Deduction? - always No
- Variable - always No
Fig.5 - Ongoing Deduction Excel preview
Deductions over a Set Amount of Pay Periods (initial total pro-rated)
For Deductions over a set amount of pay periods, along with the Employee Number and Deduction Type, the following cells must be populated on the Deduction upload template:
- Amount Per Period
- Start Date - must fall within current pay range
- Initial Total - total to be deducted from employee
- Deduct from Total - always Yes
- Suspend Deduction? - always No
- No of Payruns - total number of payruns that the Deduction will appear for
- Variable - always No
Fig.6 - Deductions Over a Set Amount of Pay Periods Excel preview
Save and Send to Bureau
The upload file will need to be saved as file type Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls). The file name must not contain any punctuation or characters other than numbers and letters. Deduction uploads are capped at a maximum of 500 lines.
Once the Deduction upload file is complete, send it to the Fourth Payroll Bureau. A Payroll Specialist will then upload and reconcile the file.
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