The purpose of the new Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) functionality of overriding FTE settings for employees, is to assign part-time contracted days and hours against an individual’s employee record, rather than against the job title.
Before this development, FTE values could only be set at the job title or location level. This meant that different employees working on the same job title could not have different FTE values. To remedy this situation, users had to create different job titles with different FTE values resulting in a great number of unnecessary job titles being created. This development will ensure all part-time holiday entitlements are prorated accordingly without the need for an excessive list of job titles.
In the first instance please ensure the organisation’s Relationship Manager and Payroll Administrator are made aware of the intention to make this change.
- The setup should be completed within 3 days in a working week
The functionality is initially enabled by a back-end setting to ensure that there is no accidental activation. The organisation’s CSM must be contacted to have this activated.
After activation by Fourth, the steps below will need to be carried out by a Portal Administrator.
Global Settings
- Go to HR > Administration > Global Settings > Edit Default Employee Settings
Fig.1 - Global Setting Group
- Ensure the setting Hide Part-time Option? is un-ticked
Fig.2 - Global Setting - Hide Part-time Option?
Required Security Permissions
With this functionality, certain security permissions need to be enabled to configure it correctly.
- Go to HR > Users > Templates > select the relevant template > select Assign Permissions
Fig.3 - Edit Security Template
- To allow users of this template to override the FTE settings for a part-time employee, locate the setting Allow Override of Job Title FTE and change to Full Access. If required, this setting may be set to Read-only
- To allow users to update the FTE settings on Job Titles, locate the Company Administration setting and set to Full
Fig.4 - Security Permissions
Update Rota Settings
FTE functionality may require the input of contracted hours for part-time employees. As such, the FTE hours displayed on the rota will need to reflect this, otherwise, leave the setting Change the content of the FTE column within the Rota? as unchecked.
- Go to Rotas > Administration > Configure Locations > Select a Location > Edit Rota Settings
- Tick the setting Change the content of the FTE column within the Rota?
- From the 'Set Column to display instead of FTE' select Contracted Hours from the drop-down menu
Fig.6 - Rota Settings
Job Title FTE Setup
The process of setting up Job Titles whilst using this functionality remains exactly the same.
- Under the Edit Default Holidays screen, set up the following with the full-time equivalent: FTE Working Days, Working hours, Working Shifts, and Basic Holiday Allowance
Should there be a variety of full-time contracted days and hours, best practice would be to ascertain which contracted days and hours are used by the majority of employees and enter this. Any other variation can be overridden against the individual employee.
The FTE settings may be entered at either Location or Job Title level.
Location Level
FTE values may be updated at location level. This change affects employees on that specific job title at the selected location.
Please note: If the values have been updated at location level then going forward, any changes made on the job title level will not update the values within the location level for that specific location automatically. The location level values would need to be revised and updated manually.
- Go to Company Admin > Job Title > Select a Job Title > Edit Holiday Settings > Edit Default Working Times by Location
In Fig.7, the values will be updated for the job title 'Bar Staff' for all employees at the 'Fourth 1' location.
- After making the necessary changes, select Save
Fig.7 - Updating FTE by Values at Location Level
Fig.8 - Updated FTE Settings
The system presents the confirmation dialogue box in Fig.9.
Please note: The dialogue box below will only appear if any of the FTE values are changed and the user selects the Save button (see Fig.8).
- Select OK to continue or Cancel to abort the change
- After selecting OK the employee and career history of all bar staff employees at the Fourth 1 location is updated.
Fig.9 - Updated FTE Settings Confirmation Dialogue Box – Location Level
Job Title Level
FTE Values may also be updated at Job Title level. This change affects employees on that specific job title at all locations.
- Go to Company Admin > Job Title > Select a Job Title > Select Edit Holiday Settings
- In Fig.10, the values will be updated for the job titled 'Bar Staff' for all locations
- After making all the necessary changes select Save
Fig.11 - Updated FTE Values
The system then presents the confirmation dialogue box as shown in Fig.12 below
- Select OK to continue, or Cancel to abort the change
After selecting OK the Employee and Career History of all Bar Staff employees is updated.
Please note: The dialogue box below will only appear if any of the FTE values are changed and the user selects the Save button.
Fig.12 - Updated FTE Settings Confirmation Dialogue Box – Job Title Level
Also See
For information on how to override FTE values for individual employees please see WFM - Overriding FTE Settings at Employee Level
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