- Log in and from the dropdown menu select the ‘Payroll’ module
Fig 1- Payroll Module Link
- Select the ‘Employee List’ from the Employee drop-down.
Fig 2 - Employee List Link
- On the next screen use the search fields to find the employee whose payslip needs to be checked
Fig 3 - Employee list
Note: from this screen employees that are currently not attached to payroll are highlighted with an asterisk (*)
- Click on the employee’s row from the list to enter their payroll record
- The next screen is the employee summary. Double check that the correct employee has been selected
Fig 4 - Employee Summary
- On the top left hand side of the screen select ‘past payslips’ form the employee payroll drop-down.
Fig 5 - Past Payslips Link
- This will show the payruns that the employee has been included in to date. If necessary, search previous tax years by using the search function
Fig 6 - Employee Pay Runs
- To print a duplicate copy of a payslip select the PDF version, this will pop up as a new window and allow for printing
- To view the payslip on the screen select the HTML link
- The top section of the payslip will give a breakdown of the wages and which locations the employee has worked in
Fig 7 - Employee Payslip
- The lower section will show a breakdown of the payments, and the totals for the year to date
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